Lightbox | Slider | Effect | Audio/Video |
Magnific Popup | SwiperJS | Isotope | Plyr |
Venobox | splidejs | Infinite scroll | vimejs |
Fancybox | flickity | particles-js | aplayer.js |
featherlight | OwlCarousel2 | scrollmagic | VideoJS |
GLightbox, spotlight | Slick slider | fullpage.js | |
baguettebox.js | glide.js | multiScroll.js | |
lightGallery | scrollreveal | ||
sweet-alert2 | scroll-out | ||
Chocolat | pagePiling | ||
Animate | HTML/CSS | Features | Utility |
animejs | animate.css | TOCbot | |
AOSjs | Clipboard.js | js-cookie | |
GSAP | Slideout.js | cookieconsent | |
wow.js | paradeiser | jquery-nice-select | list.js |
Lottie.js (Web) | miniMAC/magic | highlight.js | velocityjs |
scrollmagic.js | SpinKit | headroom.js | before-after.js |
waypoints | jQuery.countdown | || | Enlighter | Instantpage | |
introjs | |||
CreateJS library | |||
Menu | Menu | || | muuri js | ||
jonsuh/hamburgers | isotope js | ||
SIDR.js | |||
metismenu | |||
SlickNav | |||
mmenu | |||
A few of the mentioned options are not actually a jQuery Plugin but can be combined with javascript to create the final product or design.