Life is amazing and I always wanted to contribute something better to this world.
“Life is a journey of experiences, some good, some bad, and some we choose to forget!”
— Steven Preece
Experience teaches us to live a better life by improving ourselves for the future to guide and to create a better world for the next generations.
The Internet is another world we live in, experience, learn and share the information to create a better web for others. So, what is that golden rule we need to follow for a better world, wide-web?
1. Never Stop Learning.
Never, Ever.
Try to learn from little. Learn to do anything you want. Explore new things, look people around you, read books. Learn to simplify a process. Learn to be more Creative.
2. Document Your Learning.
Starting a new Business or working Online can be confusing, misleading, time-consuming with lots of information to read, research, test and Implement to see what will work for you.
To solve this, start Documenting and Journalizing Your Learnings. Offline and Online both. It will not only help you tomorrow but will save hours of work. It will also improve the Creative area of Your Mind.
So, from now, When You Learn Something, write about it.
3. Publish What You Learn.
I started creating notes of all the codes, cheatsheet and designs to use it in my projects and business in the future. I start writing about what is in my mind, my thoughts and everything I learn from Failure, Success, and Rejection.
But, It was hard to manage and find those notes saved on my computer in .txt and folder.
To manage my time and help other creators to save their time,
I start writing on this site related to everything I know and will share all the knowledge and secrets of what I am learning and exploring in this Journey.
“If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.”
― Yogi Bhajan
I don’t know how to teach. All I can do is, share everything What and How I do.
I am not good at English and so You will find multiple Grammatical Errors in Articles. I am focusing on the language. Continuous Improvements will help me to describe and write articles in detail and in a better way.
Give a promise and take a pen and notebook or a .txt file or create a post and write what you have learned today, Yesterday or this month.
Next time, You will find this note useful.